
BpmProcessDefinition Versioning

Each time a Bpm Process is imported into the Web Application using a XPDL file it will produce a new version of the Process. The matching criteria used is the name of the process so a process's name should be unique.
As it is shown in the image below the Application name and the Process name are used to hold Process versions together.

Form Versioning

Which action will force a new version of a Form Definition:

  • A change in the Section Structure.
  • Rename/Remove/Add a Section.
  • Rename/Remove/Add a Grid.
  • Rename/Remove/Add a Field.
  • A field change it's type (from integer to string for example).
    Any of these change will force the creation of new OrbeonFormDefinition.

    If a Field change it's type this will NOT affect any Bpm Process that use that form.
    Internally field's indexes in Bpm Processes use the name of the field plus the type (name + type). If a field change it's type a new slot will be created. The same applies to rename/remove/add operations, new slots will be used.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""