Task Timers

Attached Events Attached events are added to the BPMTimerEventMonitor collection when it's parent task is created. And it is removed from BPMTimerEventMonitor collection when the task is finalized.

Timer Events Timer events are added to BPMTimerEventMonitor collection when a token/transition arrive to the event. And it is removed from BPMTimerEventMonitor collection when answer [true] to any Monitor evaluation.

Timer Block Timers are activiated by Blocks. In each evaluation aBlock always answer true or false. Blocks receive three parameters when the evaluation is done: 1) lastExecutedTime - [aTimeStamp] with the last executed time. 2) currentTimeStamp - [aTimeStamp] which is the current time. 3) process - [aBpmProcessInstance] which is the Bpm Process itself.

Attached Timer Block In this case the attached timer is executed each 10 seconds.

Timer Event Block In this case the timer will wait X seconds before resuming the execution of the process. X is defined by the BpmProcess variable [termValue]. This variable was set in the previous task of the BpmProcess.

Monitor Clockwork

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