Server Setup

1- Database IP
Used only when migrating from MySQL to GemStone/S.

2- Database User
Used only when migrating from MySQL to GemStone/S.

3- Database Password
Used only when migrating from MySQL to GemStone/S.

4- Orbeon IP
This value is used in the Frontoffice Application to go from GemStone/S web to Orbeon web.

5- GemStone/S IP
This value is used by Orbeon Forms to go back to GemStone/S web. When an Orbeon form is sent call a GemStone/S service. The service answer an HTML code with a redirect which Orbeon embed in the user browser. The redirect is this GemStone/S IP.

6- Base URL for Documentation
Base URL for Web Application documentation. Before changing this value make sure the value is available in the new URL.

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