Install BPM Application


  • GemStone/S is already installed in your server.
  • Orbeon is already installed in your server (in the case you are going to use Orbeon).

Inside a GemStone/S session you have to execute the following scripts
The Scripts are separated for explanation, the complete Script without explanations is here.

Seaside Web Server Installation

Gofer new
  package: 'GsUpgrader-Core';
  url: '';
(Smalltalk at: #GsUpgrader) upgradeGrease.

GsDeployer deploy: [
  Metacello new
    baseline: 'Seaside3';
    repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:gs_master/repository';
    onLock: [:ex | ex honor];
    load: 'CI' ].

Install Orbeon Persistence Layer

For more information about the Orbeon Persistent Layer visit:
If you are going to use the Orbeon Persistence Layer to interact with Orbeon Forms execute the following script:

GsDeployer deploy: [
    Metacello new
         configuration: 'OrbeonWeb';
         version: #stable;
         repository: '';
         onLock: [:ex | ex honor];
GsDeployer deploy: [
    Metacello new
         configuration: 'OrbeonPersistenceAPIProcess';
         version: #stable;
         repository: '';
         onLock: [:ex | ex honor];

Install the BPM Application

GsDeployer deploy: [
    Metacello new
         configuration: 'OrbeonBpmWeb';
         version: #stable;
         repository: '';
         onLock: [:ex | ex honor];

Register and Run the Web Server

To register the web server execute the following scripts.

In the case that you are going to use Orbeon Persistence Layer:

WAAdmin register: WAOrbeonProcessLayer at: 'orbeon-gemstone-api'.
WAAdmin register: WAOrbeonLogin asApplicationAt: 'orbeon'.

For the registration of the BPM Application execute the following script:

WAAdmin register: WAOrbeonProcessLogin asApplicationAt:'bpmflow-frontoffice'.
WAAdmin register: WAOrbeonBackofficeLogin asApplicationAt:'bpmflow-backoffice'.
GemStoneServerConfiguration default gemstoneIP: 'GemStone/S IP'.

To Run the Web Server execute the following script:

   | handler commitThreshold |

   commitThreshold := 65.
   handler := AlmostOutOfMemory addDefaultHandler: [ :ex | self halt ].
   SessionTemps current at: #'AlmostOutOfMemoryStaticException' put: handler.
   System signalAlmostOutOfMemoryThreshold: commitThreshold.

[WAGsZincAdaptor startOn: 8787]
  on: AlmostOutOfMemory enable
  do: [:ex | ex error: ex description].

After this execution you can access the Web Server Panel at: http://gemstoneServerIP:8787/

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