Install Persistence Layer for GemStone/S

Install Orbeon Persistence Layer for GemStone/S
[See the video library here]
The packages are going to be availabe here on Github (coming soon) as a regular Git project and in Squeak Source repository ( as Monticello packages.

Install using Git repository (coming soon)

Install using Squeak Source repository
Execute the following code inside GemStone/S in order.
Upgrade Grease framework to the last version:

"Upgrading to the last version of <GsUpgrader-Core>"
Gofer new
  package: 'GsUpgrader-Core';
  url: '';
(Smalltalk at: #GsUpgrader) upgradeGrease.

Install Seaside Web and Rest Server:

"Installing SEASIDE 3.1 (the REST and Web server)"
GsDeployer deploy: [
  Metacello new
    baseline: 'Seaside3';
    repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:gs_master/repository';
    onLock: [:ex | ex honor];
    load: 'CI' ].

Install the Persistence Layer for GemStone/S:

"Installing the Orbeon Persistence Layer"
GsDeployer deploy: [
  Metacello new
    configuration: 'OrbeonPersistenceAPI';
    version: #stable;
    repository: '';
    onLock: [:ex | ex honor];
OrbeonApplication initializeAllCache.

By default the attachment path is /opt/orbeon-files/ in this directory execute:

sudo mkdir temp
sudo mkdir drafts
sudo mkdir instances
sudo mkdir definitions
cd definitions/
sudo mkdir saved
sudo mkdir published

To change the default attachment path evaluate:

OrbeonApiConfiguration default baseAttachmentPath: 'myPathHere'

You have to create the subdirectories as above.
In Orbeon in properties-local.xml file add:
(change the ip address of [] to suit your needs)

<property as="xs:string" name="*.*.*" value="gemstone"/>
<property as="xs:anyURI" name="" value=""/>
<property as="xs:boolean" name="" value="true"/>
<property as="xs:boolean" name="" value="true"/>
<property as="xs:boolean" name="" value="true"/>

In a GemStone/S session evaluate the following to register the services and start the REST server:

"Register the services -this is execute only one time-"
WAAdmin register: WAOrbeonPersistenceLayer at: 'orbeon-gemstone-api'.
"Start the Zinc server to start the REST services"
"When shutdown/restart the server/application must be executed again"
[WAGsZincAdaptor startOn: 8888]
  on: AlmostOutOfMemory enable
  do: [:ex | ex error: ex description].

If you have any question about Orbeon:
If you have any question about GemStone/S:

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